Michael Gilead (PI) Michael is a Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Psychological Sciences and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University. His research utilizes neuroimaging, experimental, and big-data methodologies to investigate humans’ symbolic cognition and the process of symbolic interaction. He has authored papers on topics such as mentalizing, mental simulation, language and cognition, emotion, and decision making. |
Inon Raz (Ph.D. student) Inon received a B.A. in Psychology from the Open University, and his M.A. in Social Psychology from Ben-Gurion University (Magna Cum Laude). His Ph.D. research uses behavioral and brain imaging (fMRI) methods to examine how emotions change across time. He is also a pilot and a senior skydiving instructor and a professional manager at a skydiving school. |
Yhonatan Shemesh (Ph.D. student)
My research focuses on mental models; how knowledge is represented in the mind. I am particularly interested in the interface between the human evolutionary cognitive endowment and the modern world. My Masters thesis investigated the joint contribution of ideology and personality in determining lay perceptions of the economy, In 2018, I co-authored a book on economic psychology titled How We Misunderstand Economics and Why it Matters (Routledge) |
Tali Patt (M.A student)
Maayan Peer
PhD Alumni
Dr. Almog Simchon, Assistant Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Dr. Ann Haberman, Clinical Psychologist